NEW: Your WhatsApp Chronicles are now Automatically Divided into Volumes!

You have a seriously long chat with your best friend, your boyfriend or your sister? And you want to print your WhatsApp chat as a book? You think one book would never be enough? You might be right :) ! That’s why zapptales divides your very long WhatsApp chats into volumes. Automatically. And turns them into the Chronicles of … You!

WhatsApp book in volumes

There’s NOTHING you have to do!

What do you have to do? Nothing. Because everything is done by the zapptales software. Once you have exported your WhatsApp chat to zapptales and after you have given it your personal touch on your individual chat edition page, the zapptales software automatically divides WhatsApp chats with more than 350 pages into volumes.

That’s how easy it is to create the chronicles of your friendship, your love story in several volumes or your entire family saga :)

Want to give it a go? Then just click here!

Have fun :)

Your zapptales team