Meet the Inspiration Behind zapptales!
This cutie is the reason Daniel decided to print his family’s WhatsApp Chat and the inspiration for zapptales!
Do you know the story behind zapptales? How it all began? This little cutie is the real reason for zapptale’s existence.
Daniel’s family is spread over two countries and three cities. When his sister had her first baby, the life of the little one was shared, commented on and loved via WhatsApp. It would have been a shame to lose this very personal diary of the baby’s first year to the depths of the digital world. So the idea emerged to turn it into a physical book to keep these memories alive and vivid. Zapptales was founded to create this book and to share this opportunity with all those who want to give their treasured, funny, and memorable chats a form to remember.
So the first WhatsApp book was the corner stone of our company and the beginning of a family saga at the same time :)
And what will your WhatsApp book be? A family story? A baby book? A love story? Gossip Girls? Your travel journal?
Have fun creating your very own WhatsApp book!
Your zapptales team